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Car booking

When can I choose the “For 24h or longer” offer?

The “For 24h or longer” offer is a good solution not only if you are planning a longer route, e.g. to another city, but also if you need a car for a few hours. You cannot change the selected pricing during the rental. Not sure which offer will be the most favourable for your rental? Use the travelling price calculator available on the websitehere.

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I locked the car while sitting inside, but after getting off, the driver’s door is opened.

In this situation, you should rent a car again, all the doors will be opened, and then cancel your booking within 5 minutes, in this way you will be able to close the car correctly and your rental will be free of charge.

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I try to terminate the rental, but a GPS, GPRS error appears.

The car must be within range of the mobile and GPS networks. If you are receiving this message, you are probably outside of network coverage. The best option in such a situation is to repark the car. If this does not help, contact the Traficar hotline and follow the consultant’s recommendations.

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I try to terminate the rental, but a key error appears.

Remember to put the key (card) in the glove box or on the vehicle’s centre panel below the multimedia system. Clip the key’s round keyfob to the magnetic slot in the glove box. If the error persists, restart the vehicle, then switch it off and place the key back on the magnetic slot. Try to end the rental. If the problem persists, contact the Traficar hotline.

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I try to complete the rental, but a door error appears.

Remember to check whether all the doors in the car are closed (also the tailgate). If this error persists, lock the vehicle with the key, open it and try to finish your rental again.

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The car I booked is dirty inside. What should I do?

We take care so that our vehicles are in the best technical condition. Unfortunately, it may happen that a vehicle, after the last rental, is dirty. If it is not fit for use, just put the keys away in their place, close the door and click “Cancel my rental” in the app. You will be asked for selecting a reason for your booking cancellation. You will not be charged with any costs if you cancel your rental within 5 minutes from opening the vehicle. In addition, you can report it by clicking a red triangle on the right side of the map in Traficar app.

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Can I drive in Traficar on bus lanes?

Renault Clio is not allowed to move on bus lanes. Only electric cars are allowed to move on bus lanes. The current fleet of available Traficar vehicle is provided here https://traficar.pl/fleet/

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Can I terminate Traficar rental in a city different than the city in which I rented it?

Yes, it is possible to terminate your rental in a different location but only where Traficar service is operating. Other location means cities which are included in the service range.

The intercity drive option is not available for electric vehicles and commercial vehicles.

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Where can I terminate my rental and park the car?

“PARKING: You can park vehicles from the Traficar fleet in dedicated car parks marked with a “”P”” in the app. These car parks are dedicated to specific groups of vehicles i.e. Renault Megane E-Tech 100% electric cars or vans or passenger cars. Cars from the Traficar fleet can be parked within the urban paid parking zone, in publicly available spaces, in accordance with traffic rules. The fee for parking in the urban parking zone in the cities where Traficar operates is already included in the price of the service. Parking in dedicated spaces is completely free of charge.

TERMINATING THE RENTAL: Passenger cars, excluding electric cars, can be returned in any city where Traficar operates within the zone marked in the app. Vans must be returned to a dedicated car park, usually in front of hardware shops in the same city from which they were rented. Otherwise, leaving the car anywhere in the Traficar zone in the city of rental costs PLN 49.
Renault Megane E-Tech vehicles must be returned to the exact same location from which they were rented. Vans and electric cars must be returned to the same city from which they were rented.

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When can I cancel my booking and what costs will I be charged with?

You can cancel your booking at any time before opening the car (within 15 minutes from its booking) and you will not be charged with any related costs. In addition, we enable the free of charge cancellation of booking within 5 minutes from opening the vehicle. In the event of the charged booking extension, a related fee is not subject to return.

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For how long is vehicle booking valid at Traficar?

Free of charge booking is valid for 15 minutes.

You can extend the validity of your booking against payment. Each minute of extended booking will be charged based on the parking rate.

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What car types can I book at Traficar?

At Traficar you will find passenger and commercial cars with combustion engines and electric engines.
You can check the available fleet of commercial cars here https://traficar.pl/fleet/#cars-commercial-cars
You can check the available fleet of passenger cars here https://traficar.pl/fleet/#cars-passenger-cars

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If I want to leave the car for a few minutes, do I have to finish my rental at each time?

No. If you still want to use the car but you need to leave it for a while, you can lock the car with the key. Your rental will still be on and no-one will book your car, and you will pay for parking based on the price list.

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Where is the registration document and the third party liability policy?

The registration document and the third party liability policy are not required in a car. You will not find them in the car.

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Where can I find the car key?

The key card is located in the glove box or in the centre panel, below the multimedia system. Remember to put the key or card back in the same place at the end of the rental. The metal keyfob attached to the key or card should be clipped to the magnetic slot in the glove box. In the case of the Clio V, you do not need to pick up the key, simply press the START button next to the steering wheel after entering the vehicle.

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How can I open the car door?

The car opens via the app and a QR code visible on its front and side windows (by scanning the QR code). To open the car, you must first book it in the app (15 free minutes), then approach it and tap the “Scan QR code” option in the app. After scanning the code, the door will open automatically.

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How can I book a car at Traficar?

To book a vehicle, simply launch the Traficar app on your phone and go to the map view. If you have the geolocation service enabled, the map will zoom in to show your immediate vicinity. On the map, look for the nearest car marked with the car symbol pin, and once you click it you will see the exact location of the car, its fuel level and you will have the option to book the vehicle under the most favourable offer for you. You can also click the navigation icon on the app’s map to quickly find the nearest car (bottom left corner). You can book a car free of charge for 15 minutes. If 15 minutes is not enough, you can extend your booking against payment. The cost of a paid extension of the booking is the same as the cost of parking. Check the current price list here.

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