When booking a car, we will block the amount of PLN 10.00 in your account. Then, every 60 minutes, we will check what the current rental cost is and we will make another pre-authorisation of funds on your card. The amount of the second pre-authorisation will be the product of the kilometres covered and the amount of a fee per kilometre based on the current price list for city cars – PLN 2.09/kilometre, for large city cars – PLN 2.39/kilometre, for small vans – PLN 2.19/kilometre, for large vans – PLN 3.19/kilometre, and the product of the number of parking minutes during the day or at night and the amount of PLN 0.30 per parking minute during the day or PLN 0.01 per parking minute at night. The amount of the second and each subsequent pre-authorisation will be decreased with the value of the pre-authorisations already made at the time of booking.
When you book a car, we block on your account the amount for the first 24 rental (for city cars – PLN 69, for large city cars – PLN 99, for small vans – PLN 139, for large vans – PLN 269), then every 60 minutes we check the current rental cost and we block more funds on your account. The amount of the second pre-authorisation will be the product of the kilometres covered and the amount of PLN 1.19 or PLN 1.39 per kilometre from the price list depending on a given car.