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Calculate the travelling cost and plan your travel with Traficar!


Price list

Passenger cars

City cars

Km rate

4,99 zł/start

1,69 zł/km

Hourly rate New

14,99 zł/3h

1,39 zł/km

Daily rate

69 zł/24 hours

1,19 zł/km

One-minute drive PLN 0 You don’t have to rush with us.

Large city cars

Km rate

4,99 zł/start

2,39 zł/km

Hourly rate New

19,99zł zł/3h

1,89zł zł/km

Daily rate

99 zł/24 hours

1,19 zł/km

One-minute drive PLN 0 You don’t have to rush with us.

Price list


Small vans

Km rate

4,99 zł/start

2,19 zł/km

Hourly rate New

24,99 zł/3h

1,69 zł/km

Daily rate

139 zł/24 hours

1,19 zł/km

One-minute drive PLN 0 You don’t have to rush with us.

Large vans

Km rate

4,99 zł/start

3,19 zł/km

Hourly rate New

49,99 zł/3h

2,29 zł/km

Daily rate

269 zł/24 hours

1,39 zł/km

One-minute drive PLN 0 You don’t have to rush with us.

Plan your travel

Use our new calculator of Traficar travelling prices! Enter a travel start location and purpose, then select a vehicle type which you want to use.

Distance: – km

Estimate travel time: – minutes

offer Km rate

offer Hourly rate

offer Daily rate

The costs presented are estimate, they depend on the final travelling time and the route chosen. Remember! You can travel in TrafiCargo commercial cars all over Poland, but your rental must be finished in a city where it was started (yellow zone – PLN 49.00, green zone – free of charge).

A price for a parking minute is the same and it

Km rate:

Monday – Sunday 23:00 – 07:00

0,01 zł/min

Monday – Sunday 07:00 – 23:00

0,30 zł/min

Daily rate:

The whole week Any hour

0,00 zł/min

Have you selected your offer and vehicle?

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